Prizes & Honours


2022: Shortlist, Elinor Ostrom Prize, for “Thinking Carefully about Inclusiveness: Evidence from European Guilds”, Journal of Institutional Economics (2021)

2021: Economic History Association Gyorgy Ranki Prize, for The European Guilds: An Economic Analysis (Princeton University Press, 2019)

2020: A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year,  for The European Guilds: An Economic Analysis (Princeton University Press, 2019) 

2013:  Early Slavic Studies Association Prize, Honorable Mention for Institutions and European Trade (Cambridge University Press, 2011)

2008:  Czechoslovak Studies Association Stanley Z. Pech Article Prize, for “‘So That Every Subject Knows How to Behave’ Social Disciplining in Early Modern Bohemia”, Comparative Studies in Society and History (2006)

2004:  Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe Anton Gindely Prize, for research project “Social Structures in Early Modern Bohemia”

2004:  International Conference of Labour and Social History René Kuczynski Book Prize for A Bitter Living: Women, Markets, and Social Capital in Early Modern Germany (Oxford University Press, 2003)

1999:  Economic History Association Gyorgy Ranki Prize, for State Corporatism and Proto-Industry: the Württemberg Black Forest, 1580-1797 (Cambridge University Press, 1997)

1992Earl S. and Esther Johnson Prize (best Divisional Master’s Thesis, University of Chicago)

1979:  Samuel Rutherford Prize (Outstanding First-Class Honours Degree, University of St Andrews)

1978-9:  Lawson Memorial Prize (Outstanding Honours Performance, University of St Andrews)

1978-9:  Class Medal (Best Junior and Senior Honours Performance, University of St Andrews)

1977:  Class Medal (Best Second-Year Performance, University of St Andrews)

1976:  Class Medal (Best First-Year Performance, University of St Andrews)

1975-6:  Lawson Memorial Prize (Outstanding First-Year Performance, University of St Andrews)

Conferences on my research

2024: Masterclass on Serfdom and Economic Development, c. 1000-1861 (Leverhulme Project), European University Institute, Florence, Italy

2019:  Colloquium on The European Guilds: an Economic Analysis (Princeton, 2019), University of Amsterdam

2019:  Colloquium on The European Guilds: an Economic Analysis (Princeton, 2019), University of Frankfurt

2013:  Conference on Institutions and European Trade: Merchant Guilds, 1000-1800 (Cambridge, 2011), Sorbonne, Paris

2012:  Conference on ESRC Research Project, Human Well-Being and the ‘Industrious Revolution’ – “Revolution des Fleißes, Revolution des Konsums? Leben und Wirtschaften im ländlichen Württemberg, 1650-1800 / Consumer Revolution, Industrious Revolution? Making a Living in Rural Württemberg, 1650-1800”. Organized by the Institut für Geschichtliche Landeskunde at the University of Tübingen, the Akademie der Diozese Rottenburg-Stuttgart, and the Alemannische Institut, in honour of the Cambridge ESRC project. Location: Tagungszentrum Stuttgart-Hohenheim, Germany

2004:  Conference on A Bitter Living: Women, Markets, and Social Capital in Early Modern Germany (Oxford, 2003), Universities of Uppsala and Stockholm, Sweden