Research Grants

2024-27        Leverhulme Major Research Fellowship “Serfdom and Economic Development, c. 1000-1862

2013-16          British Academy Wolfson Trust Research Professorship
“Human Capital and Economic Outcomes in a European Developing Economy, c.1600-c.1900”

2008-12      ESRC Major Research Grant
“Human Well-Being and the ‘Industrious Revolution’”

2010-1          British Academy Small Grant 
“Economic Structures in Early Modern Central Europe: The Czech Lands in the Seventeenth Century”

2010-1          Dame Elizabeth Hill Fund: “The Czech Lands in the Seventeenth Century”

2008-10      Leverhulme Major Research Fellowship: “Social Capital and History”

2005-7        Leverhulme Major Research Grant:
“Economy, Gender and Social Capital in the German Demographic Transition”

2000-4       British Academy Research Readership
“Social Structures in Bohemia, 1500-1700”

1996-9          Volkswagen Foundation Project Grant 
“Soziale Strukturen im frühmodernen Böhmen”